Europe Day debate


debate with candidates to the European elections

Thursday, 9th May 2019 – Aula magna ‘Tomás y Valiente’, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)


We regret to inform that, due to reasons beyond the organization and due to changes in the agendas of several of the participants, we have been forced to cancel the debate between candidates from the main formations for the European elections scheduled for tomorrow, 9 May in the UAM.

          Our proposal to organise a debate focused on the young people’s programmes and concerns remains and we hope to be able to count on elected MEPs to organise it in the future.


For more información, contact us:

Luis Bouza, coordinator of the debate,

follow us in Twitter @OpenEUDebate or check out our web

11:45 Welcome and presentation of candidates

Carmela Calés Bourdet, Vice Chancellor of Internationalization

Juan Damián Moreno, Dean of the Faculty of Law

Elena García Guitián, Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Network OpenEUdebate


12:00-14:00 Debate with candidates of the European elections

Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Partido Socialista Obrero Español

Maria Eugenia Rodríguez Palop, Unidas Podemos cambiar Europa (Podemos-IU)

Daniel Innerarity Grau, Coalición por una Europa solidaria

Susana Solís Pérez, Ciudadanos, Partido de la Ciudadanía

Representantive of Partido Popular to be confirmed


Moderator: Antonio Delgado (Radio Nacional de España) & Argelia Queralt (Agenda Pública)

Coordinator: Luis Bouza García, member of the Jean Monnet Network OpenEUdebate


Matching politics with policy
JM 30th anniversary web-window
Captura de pantalla 2019-03-29 a las 1.45.22
Captura de pantalla 2019-03-23 a las 18.37.21